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Kids: The Future of Golf
PGA Junior League is a fun, team-oriented opportunity for both boys and girls to learn the game of golf. For the last 6 years is has been the centerpiece of the junior golf program at Bent Brook.
The growth of our junior golf program at Bent Brook has followed the trend of PGA Junior League in America. In 2015, Bent Brook was one of approximately a dozen area golf courses that hosted a team and there were 2,300 teams with 28,000 kids participating nationally. For the last 3 seasons, Bent Brook has hosted our own in-house league with up to 5 teams. In 2019, the were over 5,000 teams and over 60,000 kids participating nationally.
During the regular season, the boys and girls ages 6-13 receive group instruction on the fundamentals of the game. They also play in 9-hole matches against other teams using a 2-person scramble format. It is a low-pressure environment that introduces the kids to competition while keeping the focus on learning and having fun.
The kids get home and away jerseys with a number of their choosing. The also get the opportunity to name their team. Bent Brook team names have included: “Fairway to Heaven,” “Bunker Beaters,” “Scrambled Eggs,” team “Hole-in-One” and the “Longshots.”
At the end of the regular season, there is a post-season opportunity where local All-Star teams compete in Sectional, Regional and National Championships. The National Championships are televised on the Golf Channel.
Like everything else, PGA Junior League Golf has been affected by COVID-19 this year. The start of the regular season was significantly delayed, and the PGA of America decided to cancel the post-season. However, Bent Brook, like many other courses, is still hosting a belated regular season. We are thankful for the opportunity to keep the program going while introducing more new players to the game. Over half of our participants this year are rookies.
After the season ends in September, we will re-evaluate the current circumstances regarding COVID-19 and perhaps host additional junior golf opportunities in the fall.
If you don’t already, follow us on social media or subscribe to our email newsletter to stay informed about the latest junior golf news.
Mickey Smith
Director of Golf